Room H-107 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm. $200/semester
Introduce the history and development of Chinese calligraphy, explaining its evolution
in a simple to advanced manner, and teach children proper standing posture and
pen-holding techniques.
Instruct in the Han Dynasty's Clerical Script from the Cao Quan Stele and the Tang
Dynasty's Regular Script from the Yan Ta Sheng Jiao Xu. Provide one-on-one
instruction tailored to each student's level.
l 科普中国书法的历史发展,由浅即深讲述书法的演变并让孩子们学习站姿,握笔姿势。
l 教授汉隶曹全碑,唐楷雁塔圣教序。根据每位学生的水平进行1对1不同的教授进程