Online  $380/semester 

This class is designed to prepare students of various ages to compete at the annual ACSL competitions ( Students aged from 8 to 18 qualify to compete and they will compete based on their age group: elementary division (3rd – 6th graders), junior division (7th – 9th graders), and senior divisions (10th grade and above). ACSL topics are foundational to computer science and this class will prepare our students for more serious computing related competitions such as USACO (United States Computing Olympiad).

本课程主要侧重于培训 8 岁到 18 岁的学生参加每年一度的 ACSL 计算机竞赛。学生会分成小学组,初中组和高中组。ACSL 竞赛包括计算机的基础知识,会对学生的计算机基础有所帮助,也有助于参加以后更高端的竞赛 

Skill Level: Beginner