Room H-201     11:30 am - 12:30 pm.       $200/semester 

This course aims to develop fundamental writing skills through engaging, skill-specific lessons. Students will learn to write basic fictional narratives, express personal opinions in school-appropriate ways, expand their vocabulary, learn skills-based reading, and cultivate a self-directed enjoyment of writing. These skills will enable both creative expression and the mastery of skills needed for standardized exams, the California Standards Tests, and the SSAT/ISEE.

本课程旨在促进长期参与作为艺术实践和技术技能的写作。重点是让学生参与有趣和生动的写作模式,让他们找到促进自学的风格和实践。 涵盖的主题包括小说,诗歌和散文写作,协作写作,词汇和其他技术练习,写游戏,以手工艺为中心的文学和论证分析,以及良好的写作技巧。

Skill Level: Beginner